He asked the question in whatsapp phone number list his preferred way. Putin likes to challenge his opponent. She stands in front of him, looks him in the eye: «Well, what are you going to do? Are you going to hit me, or are you whatsapp phone number list just gibberish? Who will back down first? He did it in Crimea in 2014, and then in Donbas. In reality, it was not a question of preparing an invasion, but of forcing negotiations. But the whatsapp phone number list response from the West last January was surprising to Putin. He perceives the.
West as a society of whatsapp phone number list degenerates who continue to preach human rights and are unprepared for real conflict. They are always the first to retreat before being challenged. But in recent weeks the tone has whatsapp phone number list changed in the West, first in the United States, then in the United Kingdom, and then in many other countries. Putin must now take note that the West has accepted his challenge and has begun to defy him. First, Western diplomacy began to say that Putin was already the aggressor and that he whatsapp phone number list had crossed the borders. Putin just moved the tanks along the border and the.
West was under the whatsapp phone number list impression that he had already occupied Ukraine. Politicians, diplomats and the media panicked in the West, claiming that Russia was about to launch a major offensive in whatsapp phone number list Ukraine. Now they send weapons to Ukraine and talk about intervening themselves. Putin did not expect this. Do you mean that Putin saw this whole carousel of tanks as a negotiating tool? That is what I think. When Russia prepares an invasion, its military objectives are usually clear. What whatsapp phone number list could be the military objectives of a frontal attack on Ukraine? Only political responses are heard.