The second category is products with ws number list high customer orders, such as jewelry, houses, insurance, etc. Due to the high unit price, low purchase frequency and long purchase decision time ws number list of such products, the transaction rate in offline scenarios is generally low.
Because customers are naturally distrustful ws number list and defensive about sales, such products need a field such as the private domain. , through the circle of friends and private chats to continuously show the high quality of the product and their professionalism, occupy the high ground of the user's mind, and it will be much easier to make a ws number list transaction. Different from high-repurchase products, which need to work hard on the service after purchase, high-customer ws number list single products need to work hard at the stage of trust development before purchase. These are the different attributes of the two types of products in the private domain.
The third category, high-service products, is ws number list the most typical example of paying for knowledge. Knowledge payment includes selling courses, consulting, and selling private boards. This kind of business seems to have no choice except for private domain, because the delivery of services requires a carrier, whether it is like, community, or Xiaogetong. It ws number list revolves around the private domain.