So if your website appears several Phone Number Database times when searching for a relevant search term, only the best position will be included in the calculation. If your website comes up three times in the results page on positions 2, 4 and 6, the position is 2. If you rank with the same page on a second search term in position 3, the average position Phone Number Database of that page in question Devices Mobile traffic continues to grow and it seems only a matter of time before desktop traffic is subordinated to mobile traffic worldwide. For many companies and marketers, it is still a challenge to map mobile results.
The new functionality of GWT offers Phone Number Database a helping hand and makes it possible, among other things, to compare the CTR or average position on desktop and mobile. You can easily add a filter to devices with which Phone Number Database you can compare devices. This way you can compare desktop against mobile, but also mobile against tablets. GWT_2 Nations If you want to know how the performance of your website is in Phone Number Database another country, you can also set a filter for this. Again, it is possible to compare the different insights with each other.
For example, it may be interesting Phone Number Database for some Dutch-language websites to compare the positions or CTR with the results in Belgium. GWT_3 The country filter allows you to view your website's various metrics for Phone Number Database many other countries around the world. This can provide interesting insights in some cases, especially for websites that are multilingual or internationally based. Search type With the match type filter it is possible to understand the different performance of your website for web, images and video files.